Faculty and Staff Publications
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In this study, we use structural equation modeling to explore alterations in the motor network with stroke.
This work uses graph theory to explore how early life stress impacts the brain’s functional architecture.
In this study, we use fMRI to study the long standing debate of whether care and justice moral ethics represent one or two different forms of cognition.
This study demonstrates that exposure to assaultive violence increases risk of future cigarette smoking among adolescents.
This review quantitatively summarizes the empirical literature pertaining to attentional biases on the Stroop task among individuals with PTSD.
This study demonstrates that emotional and cognitive biases have distinct effects on contamination appraisals.
In this study, we propose methodology for building a standardized brain atlas derived from parcellation of functional neuroimaging data.
This study explored altered attentional networks in schizophrenia patients undergoing a working memory task.
This study demonstrates difficulty disengaging attention from threat stimuli among individuals with high fear of contamination.
This review integrates the literature on attentional biases towards threat and proposes a multi-system model of mechanisms responsible for attentional biases.
In this study, we propose a spatial-temporal model to correct for changes between voxels and between subjects in fMRI images.
Duncan E, Bosheven W, Harenski K, Fallios A, Tracy H, Jovanovic T, Hu X, Drexler K, Kilts C, 2007. An fMRI study of the interaction of stress and cocaine cues on craving, Am J Addiction, 16(3):174-182.
This study uses functional MRI to look at how the brain responds to drugs and how the brain responds to acute stress.
Robertson D, Snarey J, Ousley O, Harenski K, Bowman FB, Gilkey R, Kilts CD, 2007. An fMRI study of ethical decision making: The neural basis of moral sensitivity to issues of care and justice. Neuropsychologia, 45:755-766.
This study uses functional magnetic resonance imaging (fMRI) and real life moral issues to demonstrate that sensitivity to moral issues is associated with specific areas of the brain.
Kilts CD, Kelsey J, Knight B, Ely TD, Bowman FD, Gross RE, Selvig A, Newport DJ, Nemeroff CB, 2006. The neural correlates of social anxiety disorder and response to pharmacotherapy. Neuropsychopharmacology, 31:2243-2253.
In this study we attempt to define further the neural processing events underlying social anxiety in patients with social anxiety disorder (SAD) and their response to pharmacotherapy.
Westen D, Blagov P, Harenski K, Kilts C, Hamann S, 2006. Neural basis of motivated reasoning: An fMRI study of emotional constraints on partisan political judgment in the 2004 U.S. presidential election, J Cognit Neurosci, 18:1947-1958.
This study looks at the Democrats and Republicans and how political candidates are viewed from the perspective of political judgment and decision-making.
Kilts CD, Egan G, Gideon DA, Ely TD, and Hoffman JM, 2003. Dissociable neural pathways are involved in the recognition of emotion in static and dynamic facial expressions. NeuroImage, 18:156-168.
This study sought to determine whether the encoding of facial expressions of emotion by static or dynamic displays is associated with different neural correlates for their decoding.
Shapira NA, Liu Y, He AG, Bradley MM, Lessig MC, James GA, Stein DJ, Lang PJ & Goodman WK. (2003). "Brain activation by disgust-inducing images in obsessive-compulsive disorder." Biological Psychiatry 54(7): 751-756.
In this paper, we explore the insula response to disgust-inducing images in OCD patients with contamination preoccupations.