UAMS Psychiatric Research Instutute
BIRC operates under the UAMS Psychiatric Research Instutute in the University of Arkansas for Medical Sciences, visit their site for information on the facilites at UAMS in which we are located. UAMS Psychiatric Rsearch Institute
MRI policies and procedures
For information on the policies and procedures regarding MRI and the research projects we allow and support, please view the document by clicking on the following link: Policies and procedures document
MRI safety
We have a zero tolerance policy for MRI accidents. All study personnel that interact with patients or the MRI environment must receive MRI Safety training. It is essential that all personnel, from phone screeners to principal investigators, be aware of the potential dangers of MRI and be able to communicate these dangers to participants. As such, we have mandatory online training in MRI safety for all study personnel. MRI safety training must be completed by all study personnel prior to the start of any MRI study. For MRI safety training, please visit the following link: MRI safety training
Presentation software
- Presentation v14.4 experimental software: www.neurobs.com
- E-Prime v1.1 experimental software: www.pstnet.com
- VisionEgg experimental software: www.visionegg.com
Analysis software
- Matlab v. R2010a, on server. www.mathworks.com
- AFNI (Analysis of Functional Neuroimages), on server. www.afni.nimh.gov
- SPM v8.0 (Statistical Parametric Mapping), on server. www.fil.ion.ucl.ac.uk/spm/
- SAS v9.2 for Windows. www.sas.com